조성오 교수님께서 국제저널인 “Journal of Nanomaterials" (Impact Factor: 1.376, Hindawi Publishing Corporation)의 특별호에 게스트 에디터로 참여하셨습니다.
Prof. Sung Oh Cho became a guest editor of “Journal of Nanomaterials (Impact Factor: 1.376, Hindawi Publishing Corporation). He will be involved in editing “a Special Issue on Micro/Nanostructured Arrays Based on Templates: Fabrication, Applications and Devices” of the journal. The topics of this issue include fabrication of micro/nanostructured arrays by electron beam lithography, photolithography, and other top-down methods. In addition to these, property investigation and device of micro/nanostructured arrays including, SERS, wettability, photocatalysis, photovoltaics, and gas sensors are also included. Researchers and students who work in these research fields can consider submitting original research and review articles to this issue.
The details of the journal can be seen on the web site: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/si/704024/cfp/.