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[수상] 박사과정 이민재, recieved an Outstanding Poster Award​




IUPAC-PSK40 Outstanding Poster Award

Venue: International Convention Center JEJU (ICCJEJU),
Jeju island, Republic of Korea 

Date : October 4 (Tue) 2016 ~ October 7 (Fri), 2016


Presentation Title : Investigation of Thiolated Poly (ethylene glycol) Induced Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles into Highly Pure Mesoporous Gold Sponges

Author : Min-Jae Lee, Sung-Hwan Lim, Jae-Min Ha and Sung-Min Choi


Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea


중성자 산란 및 나노스케일 물질 연구실 (최성민 교수)의 박사과정 이민재 학생2016104일부터 7일까 제주도에서 개최된 International Conference on Advanced Polymeric Materials Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Polymer Society of Korea (IUPAC-PSK40) 에서 Outstanding Poster Award 를 수상하였다.